Getting Started with TMWYS online
“I thought using the artwork was very effective way of teaching the consequences. Seeing a visual really helped.”
“I have learned so much by just looking at the artwork and finding out people’s feelings toward their problems.”
“The program makes me see the regret and fear of STD’s, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.”
“Using art in education is definitely a different way to spark a new way of teaching. I will certainly use it again.”
“Many students had emotional reactions to the artwork that helped them share their own thoughts and get a sense of what others were thinking and feeling.”
“The artwork brought home what it would be like to have one of these diseases. This created an honest classroom discussion.”
Steps to Success
1. Order your set of 8 posters (CT only)
or simply upload them to your smart
board or download them for printing.
2. Download and review fact sheet(s) for STDs, hepatitis and HIV to use as tools in the development of health lesson plans and assessments that can help you measure essential knowledge about STDs, hepatitis and HIV.
3. Choose a poster and/or poetry activity in order to strengthen students' decision making skills by giving them the opportunity to analyze their thoughts, feelings and reactions to the artwork and/or poetry. Click the video button to watch teachers using poster and poetry activities in their classrooms.
4. Choose a classroom activity that can be used to measure and demonstrate application of essential knowledge about STDs, hepatitis and HIV to life situations.
So get started and have fun!
Welcome to the Tell Me What You See online program, an interactive art-based supplement to your existing curricula.
Follow the steps below to implement this exciting and innovative experience.
So, let's get started . . .